I can't believe it's that time of year again. However, as I sit here and write, the flurries are falling for the second time within the past week, confirming that it really is that time of year! Christmas Mini Sessions are now available! These are my most fun minis of the year!

I just love envisioning the set and then making my vision a reality! This year’s is pretty stinking cute, if I do say so myself! And of course, the kiddos in it are the cutest kids ever...okay, maybe that's my biased mommy opinion ;)
I love mini session days. People coming to my studio all dressed in their Christmas best or their Christmas pajamas (both go very well with this set, even outdoor winter wear would work), Christmas music blaring, Christmas cookies on the table ready to be eaten by each kid who smiled nice for their pictures...and of course those who don't!
It's such a cozy and friendly time of year, two of my favorite things. I love knowing that these images will grace the face of many Christmas cards and bring joy to those who open them. I mean, how can you not smile looking at this?

Speaking of images, you may have noticed I’ve decreased the number of them this year. I have found over the years that if parents get ONE really good one of their kids, they are ecstatic. So instead of focusing on getting lots of different poses, committing to 5 quality images allows me to just focus on those few PERFECT pictures! I mean, you don't need 15 Christmas pictures, am I right?! One perfect one (or 5) beats 15 okay ones in my book!
Yes, these images are an investment. All good images are. In a few years from now, they become priceless and you'd gladly pay this session fee to go back and see your kids little again. This is the only way I know how to bottle up their childhood and keep it forever. How can we even put a number on that?!

These first images (in the blue) are from my first Christmas sessions that I ever held. I don't remember how much they were. Maybe like $100 for 10 images? Something like that. But, I would hope you can see that the quality has improved over the years. You are no longer paying for amateur work. You are paying for art work from an experienced photographer. Don't get me wrong, we all start somewhere, and I love all my clients that came to me when I was still a beginner. But now, what you are investing in, is art that you can hang proudly in your home and WOW your visitors and all those who are lucky enough to receive your Christmas card! I will for sure display this in our home over the holidays! Please don't take this as arrogance. I know I have a long way to go to be a perfect photographer (if that exists), but I do consider my work an investment. Something I am proud of and something you can be proud of too.

Speaking of Christmas cards, if you have an extra this year, I'd love to hang it in studio! Please send them my way! Whether I took your image in spring, summer, or this fall, I'd love to see how you used them on your card! Also, please keep in mind that I do off custom Christmas cards! No time to design one? No problem! Let us do it for you. You will receive them on high quality, oh so soft paper (like seriously, you'll want to rub it on your face) complete with envelopes! If you're sending out my work, I'd love for it to look it's very best! These are printed from my print company, which is calibrated to my computer, so you will get the best print possible! I offer these at comparable prices to other online photo shops. I like to make them affordable and effortless for you. Please email me if you are interested!
I can't wait to see all of you and your cute kids this year! Book soon! Day one is already down to just 5 spots available as of today!
Until next time,

P.S. Here's the booking link: www.bennyaniphotography.bigcartel.com