We have many clients that started as just that... clients! But, through the years, we get to know you and sometimes you just click with people. These sweet girls are some of our favorite visitors now. We started shooting them at 3 months and now they just turned 5 years old! They are the sweetest twins you'll ever meet and we just love having them in our studio.

What always makes me giggle about these two, Aubrey and Nora, is how particular they are at the age of just 5 years old. So worried about their princess jewelry, where their little cape is tied on their dress, and oh boy, when we asked Nora to let the balloons go outside, it was the worst thing we could have suggested! Her face immediately filled with worry as she said "But I don't wanna let them go, I don't wanna!!". She wasn't mad, just upset that we were asking this of her. Even when we promised her new balloons!
The most precious part of these sessions though is when they first walk in the door, so excited to see "Mawggie"! It truly melts our hearts every time! It's also a very rare occurence for them to leave without giving us big, huge hugs first! We don't even have to ask, they just do it on their own. I told you, they are the cutest!
Honestly though, this family has come to be some of Marggie's best friends. What a blessing it is to have a job that turns our clients into friends so quickly. It's another one of those perks of owning a small business ;)
We just love these growing girls!!!

Now for the best part of this blog.... their first pictures ever with us!! Marggie's work has gotten a million times better, of course, but how fun is it to see them so itty bitty?!

Disclaimer: This is when Marggie FIRST started photography
What's even more fun is looking back at their little brother Liam's 3 month pictures and looking at them side by side! They look so much alike!!

What a treat it's been to watch this whole family grow and grow! They have become so dear to us, we can't imagine even going a few months without seeing them all. We could rave about so many clients that have become such good friends but we will save that for another blog ;)
Thanks for reading! See you soon!
