Two and a half months went by of having nothing to actually get me out of bed unless I wanted to. Sounds great right? Not for me! I LOVE my job. I've worked with kids almost daily for the last 4 years. I went stir-crazy on week one. I hadn't squished a baby or colored with a toddler in months.
Don't get me wrong, we all need a break from work every once in a while, but my job is people, communication, and work that gets me off my feet throughout the day. I missed that so deeply! Normally that is what fills my days. I love our clients and watching their babies grow! Not knowing when I could get back to that really weighed on me.
I have used most of time organizing my storage and closet, walking my dog more than ever (this was my favorite new habit), spending time with family, puzzling, spring cleaning, crafting, sitting outside, and watching videos I could learn from (lectures, educational videos, learning the stock market, etc). I tried to use this time as best I could! That was one of the blessings in disguise during all this! It was knowing that I could use this time wisely and do something good with it. We choose the outcome of all that is going on. We choose how this effects and changes us in the end.
I try to think of all the good the virus has brought upon us. I, for one, was reminded of how important communicating with friends and family is. It is HARD to be isolated... Really hard.
When we want to spend time together we have now found there are two ways to do that; in person socializing or socializing over video chat. We live in a day and age where the latter is a possible alternative! It's not the same, but it's there! How incredible is that?! You don't have to be there to be there for someone! We can't forget that.
Social media is a controversial thing these days. People often talk about how different the world was when we didn't have social media and to be honest, I get it. There are negatives to having social media, I get it! However, think of how isolated we would have felt if we didn't have social media that whole time we were stuck in the house. We totally would have gone crazy. We need that connection to others and the world outside of the 4 walls we live in. I was so glad I could keep up with friends and family that I couldn't actually be with for the time being through facebook, instagram, etc. I'm so grateful for the technology we have these days.
I realized how thankful I am that I live in this community. Our community gave to others and took care of those they didn't even know who were struggling. I saw so many fundraisers for those who needed help during all this. SO many. It's amazing to be reminded that our community takes care of each other. I'm proud to live here!
I was skeptical of the mask situation but the fact that you could walk into a store where 90% of the people were wearing a mask was such a comfort. Some of those people did it to keep themselves safe but others did it simply to be loving to those around them and keep them safe. I saw a lot of kindness through this! It seemed that for a change everyone was consistently thinking of others over themselves.
Nurses, EMT's, police officers, firefighters and all other essential workers were finally shown the appreciation we all have for them! We recognized how important and essential they are. Sometimes we forget to thank them for it or simply don't do it enough. Did you see all the hearts put up in windows to show medical workers they are loved and appreciated? Incredible! I wish we did those things more often!
The list could go on! There is so much good we can take out of this whole pandemic. You just have to look for it and appreciate it! I challenge you to do this. Maybe even as a family! Ask yourself what you gained through all this.Talk about the things you have learned to appreciate a little extra, the good that this has brought you or others around you, and what you are looking forward to participating in again once things are back to a somewhat norm! We hope you all find that soon. It's definitely safe to say we could all use a little bit of normality this year. Even just a week of it!
It's good to be back!
Until next time,