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Writer's pictureBennyAni Photography

Walking on Cloud nine

We are on cloud nine this week! After returning from our much appreciated vacations-check out the last weeks blog post for a little preview of what our vacations looked like!

Marggie and I both came back into the studio this week feeling inspired and excited about our life. I mean after this week, our life doesn't really feel real. If you follow our social media (and this blog) I have been talking non stop, since March about this studio redesign. Prepare yourself….the day is finally here. YUP! We have a fully remodeled studio, well actually just the walls. It's crazy how much of a difference some new wall art can make! Our ribbon cutting is coming up on August 10th at 10am! Its going to be a short and sweet open house (from 10am - 11am) for any and all interested in supporting this exciting moment! Along with a reveal of our new walls! Marggie always makes fun of me for rearranging but let me tell moving habits made this studio look completely different! We would love to see you at the ribbon cutting, bring a friend or two, maybe three. We love how much support we get from clients and families on a daily basis and having you all here for the event would be exciting. Okay fine, ill get on my hands and knees and beg you. Re-reading this kind of makes me feel like I'm begging for your presence at this event but I'm just so grateful for everything right now (hence the cloud 9 thing)


We are starting SENIOR PICTURES BABY!!!

Marggie is handing ME the reigns for senior pics and I'm so excited to show you guys what I can do! We have a few models already and our first shoot is on MONDAY! OMG! MONDAY! My wildest dreams are coming true on Monday! I have been taking pictures for years, in hopes that one day I would be able to create for a living. Enough about me, lets go back to our print company decorating our walls

Heres a little behind the scenes of the process from yesterday...

There was a lot of unpacking and moving things but it was such a magical process to be a part of. We got to spend the day with such an amazing team of people! The crew from WHCC made teamwork look so natural and even better, we had fun while doing it! I wish they could collaborate with us all the time because we were STRAIGHT HUSTLIN!

We are so BEYOND lucky!! The crew installed everything for us, which was unreal. Marggie just kept saying "What did I do to deserve this". Watching this woman's dreams come true is a privilege! Check out our favorite before and after pictures of the Newborn Room!

WHCC studio redesign at BennyAni Photography
Newborn Room Before

WHCC studio redesign at BennyAni Photography
Newborn Room After

This wall is INSANE! Marggie and I sat and stared at it for so long just in awe. It's crazy to have this many frames in one collage! AND ON OUR FREAKING WALL!!

Make sure to follow us on social media for more behind the scenes of the last two days! Check out Marggie's first feature on WHCC's YouTube channel from a few months ago HERE!

We will definitely share the next one as well, stay tuned!

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Phone 952-426-0051

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